You may be wondering what the difference is between barako and arabica. After all, the two varieties share similar traits, but the caffeine level is much lower in barako. In the Philippines, barako coffee is often served in mainstream coffee outlets, but is not widely roasted outside the country. If you’re wondering which coffee is better for you, keep reading for a short guide to barako vs arabica.
First, let’s talk about what each type tastes like. Kapeng barako coffee is cheaper and easier to grow. However, its caffeine content is higher and its taste is harsher than arabica. While it doesn’t have the same flavor, it can be brewed using a coffee maker. You’ll need to stir the coffee in the pot and allow it to brew for five minutes or so.
Another distinction between barako and arabica is the acidity level. While the latter contains less acidity than Arabica, the former has a grainy aroma and flavor, which makes it more suitable for espresso. Middle-grade Barako coffee is similar to high-grade Arabica, while kapeng Barako has a slightly stronger aroma and flavor. Both varieties are excellent for espresso, but Arabica dominates the market.
If you’re wondering how to decide between Arabica and barako coffee, the first thing you should know is that arabica is more common in the Philippines. Barako coffee is often used for making fried or dried fish. However, barako coffee is slowly disappearing from farms. It takes more land to grow the same amount of beans, so it’s rare to find a barako farm.
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