Do legal guardians receive money from the state of California? Yes, and they receive it when their charges are found to be incapable of caring for themselves. However, these guardians do have to make some important decisions. In most cases, they must decide on daily needs, financial matters, and legal issues, among other things. As such, a guardian provides the loved one with a great deal of peace of mind giniloh.
For example, guardians are not allowed to make major decisions like moving a child to a new home. However, they must inform the court of the move. In addition, they must meet with social workers and court investigators as required by the court. The court may also order them to perform other duties and place special conditions on them. Ultimately, a legal guardian must support a child financially. Often, this means receiving child welfare payments or receiving welfare checks bet6.
If you are a legal guardian, it is important that you understand your responsibilities and obligations. As a guardian, you must act in the best interest of the child. You must be careful with your money and time, as you are likely to incur expenses in the process. You should also seek the advice of a qualified attorney before taking on this role. There are several advantages and disadvantages to this role.
In addition to their financial responsibilities, guardians are responsible for the care and safety of a minor child. They must also have the necessary licenses to drive and get car insurance. If they drive a car, you may have to pay for the damages caused by an accident. If the child marries, the guardianship will end and the child will become an adult. It is important that the child’s guardians have a good relationship with the court and are willing to follow the court’s wishes.
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