The pros and cons of traditions depend on the culture of a particular region or society. In the Arctic region, for example, indigenous groups depend on fishing, hunting caribou, and managing reindeer herds for subsistence. Such traditional economies depend on the knowledge of the roles of individuals in production and preservation. This way, the traditional economy helps define the legal status, culture, and state policies of a particular group. Ultimately, custom and tradition form livemocha the backbone of a traditional economy, which requires a sense of identity for everyone.
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As society has changed, so have family traditions. Traditional gender roles and ethics have disappeared. Society has also made everything more equal. One author argues that there is no longer a traditional family, and we can’t simply go back to the traditions of our past. Moreover, these traditions can harm the individual as their privileges have changed. In this lunarstorm case, a person might be forced to adopt the style of an immigrant, which can make the country look bad in the eyes of outsiders.
Another important problem of traditions is that they can be highly restrictive. Traditional authority figures lack skills and personal qualities. While they are often well-meaning, they can be inflexible and limit the freedoms of the people in their meetro territory. And once they hold power, it can be difficult to get rid of them. In addition, they can lead to a single group retaining power for long periods of time, creating laws that serve only their interests.
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